Singing Guide: Jane Monheit

Singing Guide: Jane Monheit

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Learn Singing Like Jane Monheit

Jane Monheit is an American jazz vocalist known for her sultry voice and unique phrasing. In this article, we will explore Jane's unique vocal technique and ways to incorporate it in our singing routine. We will also highlight some of Jane's best songs and how we can use them to improve our own singing.

Jane Monheit's Unique Vocal Technique

Jane's unique vocal style involves a lot of vibrato and legato phrasing. Her signature sound is smooth and silky, with a lot of emotion behind her notes. To sing like Jane, it's important to focus on your breath control and sustaining your notes for longer periods.

One way to train your breath control is by using the Vocal Pitch Monitor tool on Singing Carrots. This tool allows you to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and track how long you can hold them. Use it regularly to build your breath endurance and improve your note sustainability.

Another key aspect of Jane's vocal technique is her use of dynamics. She often starts off singing softly, building up to a crescendo with power and intensity. To practice dynamics in your own singing, try using the Pitch Training tool on Singing Carrots. This tool provides warm-up exercises and pitch visualizers to help you control your volume and dynamics.

Jane Monheit's Best Songs

Jane has an extensive discography, but some of her most notable songs include:

  • "Over the Rainbow" – Jane's version of this classic song showcases her ability to convey emotion through her voice. She uses a lot of legato phrasing here, smoothly transitioning from note to note.
  • "Cheek to Cheek" – This song is a great example of Jane's use of dynamics. She starts off singing softly, building up to a powerful and energetic finish.
  • "It Never Entered My Mind" – In this song, Jane's use of vibrato is particularly prominent. She also showcases her ability to sustain notes for long periods, creating a hauntingly beautiful effect.

To incorporate these songs into your singing routine, start by listening to them and really focusing on how Jane sings each note. Take note of her use of dynamics and vibrato. Then, try singing along with her, striving to match her phrasing and emotion.


If you want to learn to sing like Jane Monheit, it's important to focus on your breath control, dynamics, and use of vibrato. Incorporating her best songs into your singing routine can also help you develop your own unique vocal style. With resources like Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor and Pitch Training tools, you can improve your breath control and volume control to become a skilled vocalist like Jane.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.